Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The policy applies in all vulnerable areas where the establishment, operation or maintenance of a septic system would be a significant drinking water threat (future activity).

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing shall give due consideration to making changes to the Ontario Building Code and other such legislation related to on-site sewage systems (future activity).

The legislative changes would include provisions that would:

- Set standards under the Ontario Building Code to define advanced systems, including, but not necessarily limited to, standards for Nitrate and Phosphorous levels in effluent; and
- Require that advanced septic systems be required for new installations in vulnerable areas where an on-site sewage system is or would be a significant drinking water threat.

For the purposes of determining which systems achieve Nitrogen and Phosphorous reduction, it is suggested that reference could be made to the CAN/BNQ 3680-600 standard ""Onsite Residential Wastewater Treatment Technologies ; as established by the Bureau de normalisation du Quebec (BNQ), or an equivalent standard.

Monitoring policy MP-09 applies.

Monitoring Text:

MP-09: The Ministry of the Municipal Affairs and Housing should advise the Source Protection Authority and Source Protection Committee at such time as a proposal for changes to the Building Code is brought forward.