Policy Text:
Within a wellhead protection area where the vulnerability score is 8, any existing sewage system or sewage works which is a significant drinking water threat, provided that it is not regulated under the Building Code and no Environmental Compliance Approval is required, is designated for the purpose of Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, and requires a Risk Management Plan. This includes, for example, but is not limited to the following (for full circumstance details refer to the MOE Tables of Circumstances):
* a below grade or partially below grade sewage treatment tank or sewage holding tank that is part of a wastewater collection facility or wastewater treatment facility which is designed to discharge treated sanitary sewage at an average daily rate of more than 50,000 cubic metres and where a spill may result in the release of a vinyl chloride or a DNAPL that could degrade to a vinyl chloride.
The Risk Management Official shall negotiate or establish a Risk Management Plan with the person engaged in the designated threat activity within three years of the Plan coming into effect. The RMP is to contain, at a minimum, structural or management alterations (if any), which when implemented will ensure that existing operations continue to function in a manner which minimizes the risk to sources of municipal drinking water.