Policy Text:
Within Wellhead Protection Area B, where the vulnerability score is 10, any existing or future application of ASM or NASM where it is or would be a significant drinking water threat, is designated for the purpose of Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, and requires a Risk Management Plan. This includes, for example, but is not limited to the following (for full circumstance details refer to the MOE Tables of Circumstances):
a) Agricultural Source Materials (ASM) in any quantity,
b) the application of Non-agricultural Source Materials (NASM) where either:
i. the material is removed from a meat plant or sewage works or
ii. the livestock density (according to livestock density mapping) is greater than 1 nutrient unit / acre, or
iii. the percentage of managed land is greater than 80%.
The Risk Management Official shall negotiate or establish a Risk Management Plan with the person engaged in the designated threat activity within three years of the Plan coming into effect. The RMP is to contain, at a minimum, structural or management alterations (if any) which when implemented will ensure that existing operations continue to function in a manner which minimizes the risk to sources of municipal drinking water. The RMP should also, at a minimum, set out guidelines for enhanced inspections. Enhanced inspections are considered additional inspections during periods of higher risk, such as during the spring when runoff from manure can potentially create a higher risk for contamination. Prescribed Instruments such as Nutrient Management Strategies, Nutrient Management Plans or NASM Plans are expected to form the basis of the Risk Management Plan.