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Policy Id:
Central Lake Ontario, Credit Valley, Toronto
Implementing Body
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Threat Type
MECP – WDS – Hauled Sewage, Biosolids
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
Since May 2015, the ministry screens all (including new and existing) hauled sewage, processed organic waste, and biosolids disposal site Environmental Compliance Approval applications in accordance with Source Water Protection Plans. This includes consideration of whether the proposed activity would be a drinking water threat as outlined in the relevant Source Water Protection Plan under the Clean Water Act. The ministry will not issue an Environmental Compliance Approval for a site deemed as a significant drinking water threat. For sites deemed as a low or moderate drinking water threat, the ministry will consider the application, but may apply additional site restrictions. The ministry’s review and approval process is included in the Standard Operating Procedure (see Environmental Registry No. 012-2968) and continues to be available.
MECP – WDS – Hauled Sewage, Biosolids
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
Since May 2015, the ministry screens all (including new and existing) hauled sewage, processed organic waste, and biosolids disposal site Environmental Compliance Approval applications in accordance with Source Water Protection Plans. This includes consideration of whether the proposed activity would be a drinking water threat as outlined in the relevant Source Water Protection Plan under the Clean Water Act. The ministry will not issue an Environmental Compliance Approval for a site deemed as a significant drinking water threat. For sites deemed as a low or moderate drinking water threat, the ministry will consider the application, but may apply additional site restrictions. The ministry’s review and approval process is included in the Standard Operating Procedure (see Environmental Registry No. 012-2968) and continues to be available.
Policy Text:
1) The application of untreated septage to land shall be prohibited where the activity would be a significant drinking water threat in the following areas:
WHPA-A (existing, future); or
WHPA-B (VS = 10) (future); or
WHPA-E (VS = 8) (future); or
the remainder of an Issue Contributing Area for Nitrates or Pathogens (future).
2) The application of untreated septage to land may continue only until the expiry of the current approval, after which time it shall be considered a future activity in any of the following areas:
WHPA-B (VS = 10) (existing); or
WHPA-E (VS = 8) (existing); or
the remainder of an Issue Contributing Area for Nitrates or Pathogens (existing).
T-2: Prescribed Instruments (existing), where prohibited, shall not be renewed when the current Prescribed Instrument expires, and the significant threat activity to which the Prescribed Instrument pertains, shall cease no later than 5 years from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.
T-3: The relevant Ministry shall comply with the Prescribed Instrument policy (future) immediately upon the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.
Monitoring Text:
(MON-4) The provincial ministry shall, by February 1 of each year, prepare and submit a report to the Source Protection Authority on the actions taken in the previous calendar year to achieve the outcomes of the source protection policy. Reporting shall include information related to the effectiveness of the policies in ensuring a threat ceases to be, or does not become significant, and any actions required to respond to a drinking water threat during the reporting period.
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