Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

See DEM-1-b (Policy Database ID 4777) for Moderate Risk Level.

Within the Tier 3 Water Budget WHPA-Q1 where a water taking is or would be a significant water quantity threat the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks shall ensure each water taking threat ceases to be, or does not become significant, through actions the Director considers appropriate on a case by case basis, such as:

1) Reviewing all existing Permits To Take Water, located within WHPA-Q1 with a significant risk level, in consultation with the other Ministries (as required), the affected municipality, relevant conservation authorities, and permit holders, and amend the permits where necessary to ensure:
a) that municipal water supply requirements for the allocated and planned quantity (per the current approved population and employment projections of the most recent Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe) will be met on a sustainable basis; and
b) that the hydrological integrity of municipal wells in the vulnerable areas will be maintained.
2) Issuing Permits To Take Water for new or increased takings, located within WHPA-Q1 with moderate or significant risk levels, only if it can be satisfactorily demonstrated, using the findings of the most recently approved Tier 3 Water Budget Model and other available data, where appropriate, that the taking:
a) can be maintained on a sustainable basis;
b) will not affect the ability of the aquifer to meet the municipal water supply requirements for the current and planned service capacity; and
c) will ensure the hydrological integrity of municipal wells will be maintained.

T-1: Prescribed Instruments (existing) shall be reviewed (and amended, as necessary) within 3 years of the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect, or such other date as the Director determines.
T-3: The relevant Ministry shall comply with the Prescribed Instrument policy (future) immediately upon the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.

Monitoring Text:

(MON-4): The provincial ministry shall, by February 1 of each year, prepare and submit a report to the Source Protection Authority on the actions taken in the previous calendar year to achieve the outcomes of the source protection policy. Reporting shall include information related to the effectiveness of the policies in ensuring a threat ceases to be, or does not become significant, and any actions required to respond to a drinking water threat during the reporting period.