Policy Text:
The municipality shall deliver education and outreach materials and programs where the handling and storage of a DNAPL is, or would be, a significant drinking water threat, targeted towards:
a) an individual for personal use to promote the use of non-toxic products and additional opportunities for participation in household hazardous waste disposal and to advise the owner/tenant about the actions to take to ensure that the activity ceases to be, or does not become, a significant drinking water threat; and
b) industrial and commercial users to promote the use of alternatives to DNAPLs (including non-toxic products), pollution prevention approaches, best management practices, and safe disposal; in any of the following areas:
WHPA-A (existing, future); or
WHPA-B (existing, future); or
WHPA-C (existing, future); or
WHPA-E (VS = 10) (existing, future).
Where education and outreach materials prepared by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks are available, the municipality shall deliver those materials
T-10: Education and outreach (materials, programs, etc.) shall be developed and implemented within 2 years from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.