Policy Text:
When a Building Permit that is not subject to a site specific Planning Application (excluding lands zoned Low Density Residential) located within a Tier 3 Water Budget WHPA-Q2, identified as having a significant risk level, an activity that reduces the recharge to an aquifer is designated for the purpose of s.58 under the Clean Water Act as, requiring a risk management plan where the threat would be significant.
Without limiting other requirements, risk management plans shall require implementation of downspout disconnections and other best management practices to increase infiltration of clean water whenever modifications, additions or renovations are undertaken at existing properties or in new development with the goal of restoring or maintaining pre-development recharge.
T-7: Activities (future) designated for the purpose of s.58 under the Clean Water Act, requiring risk management plans, are prohibited until such time as a risk management plan is approved by the Risk Management Official, immediately upon the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.