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Policy Id:
Central Lake Ontario, Credit Valley, Toronto
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
Amaranth Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
Durham, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
Only applicable in ICA.
Erin Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
This policy does not apply to the Town based on current groundwater data.
Halton, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Mono Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
tracking water quality results though the annual water quality reports as per o.reg 169 and 170
Orangeville Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Peel, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
York, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Sampling results provided to CTC for trend analysis January, 2024. Regulatory reporting to Province completed as required. Annual analysis of groundwater monitoring results for 2023 was completed by Region in 2024. Information on Na and Cl increasing trend and actions taken by Region in Stouffville Production Well 3 were shared with MECP.
Policy Text:
Where municipal groundwater monitoring shows increasing or decreasing trends and/or exceeds Ontario Drinking Water Standards, the municipality shall investigate and share the information with the RMO, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (for nitrates or pathogens) and the Source Protection Authority.
T-12: Research shall be initiated within 2 years from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect, contingent on funding.
Monitoring Text:
MON-1: The municipality or planning approval authority shall, by February 1 of each year, prepare and submit a report equivalent to s. 65 of O. Reg.
287/07 under the Clean Water Act, 2006 to the Source Protection Authority on the actions taken in the previous calendar year to achieve the
outcomes of the source protection policy. Where applicable, municipal planning authorities shall provide a copy of the notice of adoption of
amendments to official plans and/or zoning by laws. Reporting shall include information related to the effectiveness of the policies in ensuring a
threat ceases to be, or does not become significant, and any actions required to respond to a drinking water threat during the reporting period.
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