Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Policy Text:

Municipalities should consider how to incorporate low impact development techniques in Planning Act or Condominium Act decisions related to proposed stormwater management for new or expanding development, excluding single lot residential development, in the wellhead protection areas. These techniques should be used to reduce impervious surfaces, maintain pre-development recharge and use lot level controls to emphasize infiltration of clean water at the point of origin to improve the quality discharge of stormwater from a stormwater retention pond that would be a moderate or low drinking water threat.

Monitoring Text:

6.2.10: In order to monitor the implementation of policies 6.2.7-HR and 6.2.8-HR, the municipalities should also provide the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority with a copy of any approvals under the Planning Act or Condominium Act for applications for properties in their respective wellhead protection areas that relate to the activities listed in those policies, when the Notice of Decision is issued.