Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Municipalities, via Planning Act or Condominium Act decisions, shall prohibit the following land uses in the future in WHPA-A and WHPA-B where the vulnerability score is 10:

- waste disposal sites involving one or more of the following activities that would be significant drinking water threats: the application of agricultural source material, non-agricultural source material and untreated septage (i.e., hauled sewage) to land; storage of mine tailings; landfarming of petroleum refining waste; landfilling of hazardous, municipal and solid nonhazardous industrial or commercial waste; liquid industrial waste injection into a well and PCB waste storage.
- wastewater treatment facilities and related infrastructure that would be significant drinking water threats (i.e. sanitary sewers and related pipes (Cana and Lansdowne only), sewage treatment plant effluent discharges including lagoons and storage of sewage). This policy excludes the replacement, expansion or upgrade of existing facilities.

Monitoring Text:

6.2.9-CW: In order to monitor the implementation of policies 6.2.5-CW and 6.2.6-CW, the municipalities shall provide the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority with a copy of any approvals under the Planning Act or Condominium Act for applications for properties in their respective wellhead protection areas that relate to the activities listed in those policies.