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MECP - Wastewater/Sewage Works Inspections
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
The ministry has implemented its commitment to review and consider the policy. Spill response and notification procedures have been updated to geo-spatially determine if the spill is in a source protection vulnerable area. These procedures ensure that if a spill has the potential to impact a drinking water treatment plant, the plant is notified along with any other affected parties. In addition, the ministry inspects industrial sites where there is the potential for significant spills to occur. In addition, the Spills Contingency Planning regulation (Ontario Regulation 224/07) focuses on industries with the potential to have significant spills.
Policy Text:
The Ministry of the Environment should encourage industries that are located in and adjacent to the Intake Protection Zones (IPZ) to review and amend the applicable operational plans, spill prevention and contingency plans and pollution prevention plans, as appropriate, to identify the locations of municipal intake(s) and intake protection zone(s) in relation to their operations, and to update their procedures to better manage the risk to the drinking water source(s) in the event of an emergency, spill or unauthorized discharge.
The Ministry of the Environment should implement a. within three years of the Source Protection Plan taking effect, or such other date as the Director determines based on a prioritized review of environmental compliance approvals that govern activities that are drinking water threats.
Monitoring Text:
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