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MECP - Wells
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
The ministry has reviewed and considered the policy. Ontario has a strong and robust legislative and regulatory framework for licensing well contractors and well technicians, as well as for the construction, maintenance and abandonment of wells. Recent amendments made to the Wells Regulation (Reg. 903) took effect January 1, 2020. The ministry manages its approach to compliance and enforcement for the Wells Regulation through education and outreach, response to incidents, voluntary compliance, orders, tickets and prosecutions. The ministry has developed a detailed internal guidance document to respond to well related incidents and drinking water well complaints. The ministry will continue to report on any actions resulting from the review of the policy.
Policy Text:
The Ministry of the Environment should undertake an updated analysis of the compliance and enforcement program associated with Regulation 903 - Wells, as amended, made under the Ontario Water Resources Act.
The program analysis should consider:
increased Ministry of the Environment field presence with well contractors
prioritization of complaint response in instances where the presence of a transport pathway would endanger sources of municipal drinking water,
focusing resources in areas where improperly constructed, maintained or abandoned wells may increase the potential threat to municipal drinking water sources.
Action to implement this analysis should be initiated within two years of the Source Protection Plan taking effect and be completed in a timely manner. Beneficial program changes, as identified via the analysis, should follow.
The Ministry of the Environment should include information about this policy in an annual summary of actions taken to achieve outcomes of source protection policies and make it available to the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority.
Monitoring Text:
c. The Ministry of the Environment should include information about this policy in an annual summary of actions taken to achieve outcomes of source protection policies and make it available to the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority.
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