Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Policy Text:

The Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands shall prepare a Standard Operating Procedures manual that outlines sewer network evaluation and repair requirements such that the entire sewer network in at least Lansdowne WHPA-A and WHPA-B is evaluated no less frequently than every ten years, and repaired as necessary, in order to prevent sewage losses to the source water since the sanitary sewers and the related pipes are a significant drinking water threat.

The Standard Operating Procedures manual specified in a. shall be prepared within two years of the Source Protection Plan taking effect.

The Township shall provide a copy of the Standard Operating Procedure and sewer network evaluations to the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority.

Monitoring Text:

c. The Township shall provide a copy of the Standard Operating Procedure and sewer network evaluations to the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority.