Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Where the application of untreated septage (i.e. hauled sewage) to land, sewage treatment plant effluent discharges and on-site sewage treatment systems (i.e. septic systems and holding tanks) are moderate or low drinking water threats, and there is limited or no capacity at local wastewater treatment facilities in the Cataraqui Source Protection Area, municipalities should consider taking the following actions to protect their sources of drinking water within five years of the Source Protection Plan taking effect:

managing the treatment or stabilization of untreated septage at existing wastewater facilities and/or
upgrading existing or constructing new facilities to handle demand and/or
encouraging the use of alternative treatment or stabilization technologies.

Where this policy is implemented by a municipality, the municipality should provide the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority with a timely update.

Monitoring Text:

4.7.3-NB (b): Where this policy is implemented by a municipality, the municipality should provide the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority with a timely update.