Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The following activities are designated for the purpose of section 58(1) - Regulated Activities, of the Clean Water Act and require the negotiation of a risk management plan as specified in the policy and where there could be a significant drinking water threat:

i. The application of agricultural source material on farms not phased-in under the Nutrient Management Act.
ii. The storage of agricultural source material on farms not phased-in under the Nutrient Management Act.
iii. The application of commercial fertilizer on farms not phased-in under the Nutrient Management Act.
iv. The handling and storage of commercial fertilizer.
v. The handling and storage of pesticides.
vi. The handling and storage of road salt.
vii. The handling and storage of fuel under Ontario Regulation 213/01 and under Ontario Regulation 217/01, except home fuel oil tanks.
viii. The handling and storage of dense non-aqueous phase liquid.
ix. The handling and storage of an organic solvent.
x. The use of land as a confinement area or a farm-animal yard on farms not phased-in under the Nutrient Management Act and the use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land.

Monitoring Text:
