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Policy Id:
Halton Region, Hamilton Region
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
No response required/not applicable
Number of prescribed instruments approved = NOTE: OMAFRA does not issue or review Nutrient Management Plans so answer will always be zero/not applicable; OMAFRA will not be able to provide this data for commercial fertilizer. Location of prescribed instruments = not applicable. Measures Included in prescribed instruments = not applicable. 2020-03-04 Upon discussion, OMAFRA can provide the following statements -commercial fertilizer is included in nutrient management plans -the training provided to nutrient management plan developers includes information regarding source water protection -As stated above, nutrient management plans are not reviewed or approved by OMAFRA. The number of nutrient management plans reviewed will always be zero and the location of the properties will not be reported. -The regulatory standards required of those farmers that are required to have a nutrient management plan include standards regarding commercial fertilizer. We accept Halton's position that the policy can be marked implemented.
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
No response required/not applicable
Number of prescribed instruments approved = NOTE: OMAFRA does not issue or review Nutrient Management Plans so answer will always be zero/not applicable; OMAFRA will not be able to provide this data for commercial fertilizer. Location of prescribed instruments = not applicable. Measures Included in prescribed instruments = not applicable. 2020-03-04 Upon discussion, OMAFRA can provide the following statements -commercial fertilizer is included in nutrient management plans -the training provided to nutrient management plan developers includes information regarding source water protection -As stated above, nutrient management plans are not reviewed or approved by OMAFRA. The number of nutrient management plans reviewed will always be zero and the location of the properties will not be reported. -The regulatory standards required of those farmers that are required to have a nutrient management plan include standards regarding commercial fertilizer. We accept Halton's position that the policy can be marked implemented.
Policy Text:
Where the existing and future application of commercial fertilizer would be a significant drinking water threat,
a. the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shall ensure that nutrient management plans required under the Nutrient Management Act include measures that, when implemented, will ensure that this activity never becomes or ceases to be a significant drinking water threat.
Monitoring Text:
(T-26-C b). the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shall document the number and locations of properties where nutrient management plans were reviewed, and the measures included that will ensure that this activity never becomes a significant drinking water threat and report this information to the Source Protection Authority by February 1 of each year.
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