Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Where the future establishment of waste disposal sites within the meaning of Part V of the Environmental Protection Act would be a significant drinking water threat,

a. the City of Hamilton shall prohibit through amendments to Planning
Act tools the establishment of waste disposal sites with the following
specific activities occurring - application of untreated septage to
land; storage, treatment and discharge of tailings from mines;
landfarming of petroleum refining waste; landfilling of hazardous
waste; landfilling of municipal waste; landfilling of solid, nonhazardous,
industrial or commercial waste; injection of liquid waste
into a well; polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) waste storage; and
storage of hazardous waste.

Monitoring Text:

b. the City of Hamilton shall provide copies of their planning documents to the Source Protection Authority when they have been amended to conform with the policy to prohibit the establishment of waste disposal sites.