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Policy Id:
Halton Region, Hamilton Region
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
Halton Hills Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Expectation that this will be implemented through the next local OP review. Town OP review began in late 2024 and required additions/revisions to SP policies will be made.
Hamilton City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
Planning has a process in place for approving settlement area expansions that consider source water protection policy implications. Furthermore, Greensville is the only municipal well where a WHPA-Q was delineated but future reduction in recharge was not identified as a significant drinking water threat. No further action is required.
Milton Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
The Region of Halton is responsible for undertaking a municipal comprehensive review. Region of Halton is the authority for this policy. At this time the Town is not the approval authority for settlement area and urban area expansions. In November 2022, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing approved Halton Region Official Plan Amendment 49, which included an Urban Boundary Expansion for the Town of Milton to be developed by 2051. This Urban Expansion largely expands to the south and east of Milton’s existing Urban Area. It includes 730ha of new Community Area and 930ha of new Employment Area. The timing and phasing of development of this area has not yet been determined.
Policy Text:
Within a wellhead protection area Q2 where a future reduction in
recharge would be a significant drinking water threat,
a. the municipal planning authority shall only approve settlement area
and urban area expansions as part of a municipal comprehensive
review where it has been demonstrated that a reduction in recharge
will not create a significant drinking water threat.
Monitoring Text:
T-58-C (b): The municipal planning authority shall report on actions taken to implement this policy to the Source Protection Authority by February 1 of each year.
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