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Policy Id:
Halton Region, Hamilton Region
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
Halton Hills Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Planning & Eng. are aware of the Policy and will be following the direction even without the Town's OP and ZB being updated. Town OP review began in late 2024 and required additions/revisions to SP policies will be made.
Hamilton City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
Planning has a process in place for approving settlement area expansions that consider source water protection policy implications. Furthermore, Greensville is the only municipal well where a WHPA-Q was delineated but future reduction in recharge was not identified as a significant drinking water threat. No further action is required.
Milton Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
The Town’s sub-watershed study requirements include a requirement for a water balance analysis and promote the use of LID measures where feasible; not only in wellhead protection areas.
Policy Text:
Within a wellhead protection area Q2 where a future reduction in recharge would be a significant drinking water threat:
a. the municipal planning authority shall require that planning applications demonstrate that all attempts have been made to achieve a pre-development recharge condition using best management practices and including low impact development measures.
Monitoring Text:
T-59-C (b): The municipal planning authority shall report on actions taken to implement this policy to the Source Protection Authority by February 1 of each year.
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