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Policy Id:
Halton Region, Hamilton Region
Low, Moderate, Significant
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
MTO - Salt
Establish Pilot Programs
In progress/some progress made
RESPONSE to Question (Pilot Program): MTO continues to evaluate new products and technologies to minimize the impact of winter maintenance on the environment including reducing salt applications rates when prewetting or pre-treating the salt. MTO is evaluating new application rates for pre-wetted salt and sand, as well as, conducting research and pilots for finding alternative non-chloride winter materials. This is generic testing that would apply across the province once final results are determined.
Policy Text:
To seek collaboration on the use of best practices for the application of
road salt on Provincial roads where this activity could be a significant,
moderate or low drinking water threat,
d. the Ministry of Transportation is requested to actively consider the
creation of a pilot project utilizing new practices and mitigative
technologies for road salt application or the management of runoff
that could benefit drinking water sources within the HaltonHamilton Source Protection Region.
Monitoring Text:
e. the Halton Region and Hamilton Region Conservation Authorities shall consult with the Ministry of Transportation to:
ii. determine the status of pilot projects underway and proposed
future pilot projects designed to protect drinking water sources in
the Halton-Hamilton Source Protection Region and report on
this information to the Source Protection Authority by February 1
of each year.
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