Policy Text:
To reduce the risks to drinking water sources where there are existing or potential future significant drinking water threats from the use of land as an outdoor confinement area or a farm-animal yard on farms not phased-in under the Nutrient Management Act, or from the use of land for livestock grazing or pasturing on all farms,
b. where a significant threat is identified, the risk management official shall:
i. establish risk management plans with the persons using or proposing to use farm lands for livestock outdoors within a wellhead protection area-A of any nutrient units and in a wellhead protection area-B and E where there are 5 nutrients units or greater per farm property. The implementation of these risk management plans shall be overseen by a risk management inspector and their content shall be based upon the regulatory requirements of a nutrient management strategy under the Nutrient Management Act and incorporate the best management practices for livestock grazing and pasturing land as set out in Streamside Grazing (2007 and as amended) including extensive grazing within a wellhead protection area-A, and scoped to address these specific threats.
ii. undertake an education and outreach program on nutrient management methods and their potential impacts on drinking water sources, in a wellhead protection area-B and E where there are less than 5 nutrients units per farm property.