Policy Text:
For any existing or new handling and storage of a dense non-aqueous phase liquid, on properties zoned exclusively for residential and/or environmental protection purposes in the Area Municipal Zoning By-Laws, where this activity is, or would be, a significant drinking water threat,
a. The County, in collaboration with the Source Protection Authority, Area Municipalities, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and/or other bodies wherever possible, shall develop and implement an education and outreach program directed at the owners and/or occupants of such properties to ensure this activity ceases to be or never becomes a significant drinking water threat. The program may include, but not necessarily be limited to, the provision of education material and information about the nature of the threat, how DNAPLs can be identified, handled and disposed of appropriately.
b. Notwithstanding OC-CW-15.1a), where the quantity and/or volume of DNAPLs handled or stored on a property exceeds that typical of household use, the handling and storage of a dense non-aqueous phase liquid shall be designated for the purpose of Section 58 of the Clean Water Act and a Risk Management Plan shall be required to ensure this activity ceases to be or never becomes a significant drinking water threat.