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Policy Id:
Catfish Creek, Grand River, Long Point
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
MECP – WDS – Hauled Sewage, Biosolids
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
The application and storage of non-agricultural source materials (NASM) is regulated by the Nutrient Management Act. NASM Plans requiring approval are reviewed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, not by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks. Since May 2015, the ministry screens all (including new and existing) hauled sewage, processed organic waste, and biosolids disposal site Environmental Compliance Approval applications in accordance with Source Water Protection Plans. This includes consideration of whether the proposed activity would be a drinking water threat as outlined in the relevant Source Water Protection Plan under the Clean Water Act. The ministry will not issue an Environmental Compliance Approval for a site deemed as a significant drinking water threat. For sites deemed as a low or moderate drinking water threat, the ministry will consider the application, but additional site restrictions may apply. The ministry’s review and approval process is included in the Standard Operating Procedure that can be found in Environmental Registry No. 012-2968 (https://ero.ontario.ca/archive/012-2968).
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
4 new NASM plan in Grand River, 2 are only E&O policies, 1 had the vulnerable area excluded from the NASM plan, and 1 had land application best management practices added as conditions.
Policy Text:
For any new handling and storage of non-agricultural source material, where this activity would be a significant drinking water threat, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs or Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, as applicable, shall prohibit this activity through the Non-Agricultural Source Material (NASM) Plan process in accordance with the Nutrient Management Act, or through the Environmental Compliance Approval process in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act, to ensure this activity never becomes a significant drinking water threat.
Monitoring Text:
(OC-CW-1.12): Where the Source Protection Plan policies prohibit an activity through the use of a prescribed instrument, the applicable Ministry shall summarize the actions taken the previous year to implement the policies and provide a written report summarizing this information to the Source Protection Authority and the County by February 1st of each year.
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