Policy Text:
The Regional Municipality of Waterloo and Area Municipalities shall review and, if necessary, amend their Official Plans to require any development proposals for new storm water management facilities shall be subject to a study to assess impact and mitigation measures in accordance with the Regional Implementation Guideline for Source Water Protection Studies to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo within the following areas:
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than eight (8);
iii. In Intake Protection Zones Two (2) and Three (3) where the vulnerability is greater than eight (8);
iv. Where a Nitrate and/or Chloride Issue has been identified, in all Issue Contributing Areas except Wellhead Protection Area A.
Where a proposed stormwater management pond is located within 500 metres of a Drinking Water System that obtains water from a bedrock aquifer, the study shall, as a minimum, assess changes in classification of the municipal supply well and or changes in hydrogeological conditions that could affect the pathogen vulnerability to the well.