Policy Text:
To achieve the intent of the Clean Water Act, 2006 that drinking water threats identified in the vicinity of a transport pathway cease to be or do not become a significant threat, and that a pathway ceases to endanger the source water of a municipal water supply, the following policies apply:
- The City of Hamilton is requested to use best management practices to protect the quantity and quality of groundwater sources during the installation of new municipal infrastructure in proximity to municipal water wells.
- The City of Hamilton is requested to incorporate conditions of approval for development applications to ensure private wells that are no longer in use are decommissioned in accordance with O. Reg. 903.
- The Ministry of the Environment and the municipalities responsible for water services are requested to provide ongoing funding for incentive programs focused on the decommissioning of wells, and for education and outreach programs regarding the decommissioning of wells.
- If funding is provided by the Ministry of the Environment through the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program, the Conservation Authority shall implement an incentive program to decommission unused wells.
- The City of Hamilton is requested to develop a program to facilitate, where possible and appropriate, the connection to municipal water services of current private well users within the urban boundary. The users should be required to decommission the unused wells in accordance with O. Reg. 903.
- The City of Hamilton is requested to prohibit the construction of new wells and septic systems within the urban area where municipal water and wastewater services are available.
- The City of Hamilton is requested to prepare bylaws/procedures/ processes that ensure the construction of closed loop, earth energy systems will not result in the establishment of transport pathways.