Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure small onsite sewage systems and onsite sewage system holding tanks do not become significant drinking water threats, the Regional Municipality of Waterloo and the Area Municipalities shall amend where required their Official Plans to permit the creation of a new lot relying on servicing by a new small onsite sewage system only in accordance with the Regional Implementation Guideline for Source Water Protection Studies to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality within the following areas:

i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is to equal ten (10) for municipal wells which are not designated under the Safe Drinking Water Act as Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of surface water (GUDI);
ii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified, in Issue Contributing Areas where the vulnerability is less than or equal to six (6);

Monitoring Text:

RW-CW-1.9: The Regional Municipality of Waterloo and Area Municipalities shall provide copies of the notice of adoption to the Source Protection Authority regarding
amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-laws for conformity with policies in the Plan within thirty (30) days of the adoption of the amendments by their
respective Councils.