Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure that existing and/or future off-farm application or handling and storage of non agricultural source material as processed organic waste (i.e. biosolids) do not become or cease to be a significant drinking water threat where these activities are or would be a significant threat, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks shall review and, if necessary, amend, existing and approve new Environmental Compliance Approvals with the conditions set out below, as appropriate, for the following:

a. Existing:

i. Application;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than eight (8);
iii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified in all Issue Contributing Areas except in Wellhead Protection Area A.

ii. Handling and Storage;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than eight (8);
iii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified in all Issue Contributing Areas except in Wellhead Protection Area A.

b. Future:

i. Application;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than eight (8);
iii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified in all Issue Contributing Areas except in Wellhead Protection Area A.

ii. Handling and storage;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than eight (8);
iii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified in all Issue Contributing Areas except in Wellhead Protection Area A.

For the application of non-agricultural source material, the Approval should include measures to ensure application rate, timing and location are appropriate for uptake of nitrogen on an annual basis and that reduce potential for surface water run-off and groundwater infiltration.

For the handling and storage of non-agricultural source material, the Approval should include measures to minimize, contain and respond to spills and leaks.

Monitoring Text:

(RW-CW-1.12): Where the Source Protection Plan policies require a Provincial Ministry to undertake an activity under the Environmental Compliance Approval process or review, issue or amend a Prescribed Instrument, the applicable Provincial Ministry should:

a. Provide a copy of the Prescribed Instruments to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo;
b. Provide a written report to the Region of Waterloo and the Source Protection Authority summarizing where Prescribed Instruments have been issued and/or amended and for each instrument a summary of the conditions included for source protection purposes.