Policy Text:
To ensure that the existing and/or future application and permanent storage of agricultural source material within vulnerable areas does not become or ceases to be a significant drinking water threat, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shall review and, if necessary, amend existing and approve new Nutrient Management Plans and Strategies with the terms and conditions set out below, as appropriate, where required under, and in accordance with, the Nutrient Management Act for the following:
a. Existing:
i. Application;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than or equal to eight (8);
iii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified, in all Issue Contributing Areas except Wellhead Protection Area A, where the vulnerability is greater than or equal to six (6).
ii. Permanent Storage;
i. In Wellhead Protection Areas A and B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than or equal to eight (8);
iii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified, in all Issue Contributing Areas except Wellhead Protection Area A, where the vulnerability is greater than or equal to six (6).
b. Future:
i. Application;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than or equal to eight (8);
iii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified, in all Issue Contributing Areas except Wellhead Protection Area A, where the vulnerability is greater than or equal to six (6).
ii. Permanent Storage;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area E where the vulnerability is greater than or equal to eight (8);
iii. Where a Nitrate Issue has been identified, in all Issue Contributing Areas except Wellhead Protection Area A, where the vulnerability is greater than or equal to six (6).
The Nutrient Management Plans and Strategies for the application of agricultural source material should include measures to be implemented by the farmer and/or custom applicator to ensure application rate, timing and location are appropriate for crop uptake of nitrogen on an annual basis and that reduce potential for surface water run-off and groundwater infiltration.
The Nutrient Management Plans and Strategies for the permanent storage of agricultural source material should require facilities to contain a minimum of 240 days for storage and to identify measures to minimize, contain and respond to spills and leaks.