Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure the application and storage of Agricultural Source Material (ASM) ceases to be and/or never becomes a significant drinking water threat, for activities phased in under the Nutrient Management Act, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shall ensure that Nutrient Management Strategies and Plans are:

Prohibited for existing and future activities in Wellhead Protection Area A (WHPA-A) with a vulnerability score of 10; and
Managed for existing and future activities in Wellhead Protection Area B (WHPA-B) with a vulnerability score of 10. Nutrient Management Strategies and Plans must be inclusive of measures to protect drinking water sources. Contingency plans required for Nutrient Management Plans and Strategies must contain notification requirements to report a leak or spill from an agricultural source material storage facility.

Monitoring Text:

HR-CW-1.11: Where the Source Protection Plan policies require a provincial ministry to amend a Prescribed Instrument or issue a new Prescribed Instrument, the applicable Ministry shall provide a summary of the actions taken including documenting the number and locations where such instruments were reviewed and/or amended and any actions taken and/or terms and conditions imposed. The applicable ministry shall provide a written report summarizing this information to the Source Protection Authority by
February 1st of each year.

HR-CW-1.12: Where the Source Protection Plan policies require a provincial ministry to deny an activity within a Prescribed Instrument, the applicable Ministry shall document the number and locations where such instruments were denied and provide a summary of the actions taken to the Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year.