Policy Text:
To ensure the existing and future handling and storage of road salt ceases to be or does not become a significant drinking water threat where this activity is or would be a significant threat, this activity is designated in accordance with Section 57 of the Clean Water Act, 2006 and is prohibited within the following vulnerable areas and for the following activities:
a. Existing:
i. In Wellhead Protection Area A where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10), for any uncovered storage of any amount and covered for amounts greater than or equal to one (1) tonne of salt or greater than or equal to one thousand (1000) liters of brine ;
ii. In Intake Protection Zone One (1), for any uncovered storage of any amount and covered for amounts greater than or equal to one (1) tonne of salt or greater than or equal to one thousand (1000) liters of brine;
iii. Where a Chloride and/or Sodium Issue has been identified, in all Wellhead Protection Areas, for any uncovered storage of any amount.
b. Future:
i. In Wellhead Protection Areas A and B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10), for any uncovered storage of any amount and covered for amounts greater than or equal to one (1) tonne of salt or greater than or equal to one thousand (1000) liters of brine;
ii. In Intake Protection Zone One (1) for any uncovered storage of any amount and covered for amounts greater than or equal to one (1) tonne of salt or greater than or equal to one thousand (1000) liters of brine;
iii. Where a Chloride and/or Sodium Issue has been identified, in all Wellhead Protection Areas for any uncovered storage of any amount.