Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure the existing and/or future application, handling and storage of non-agricultural source material cease to be or do not become a significant drinking water threat where these activities are or would be a significant threat, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and/or Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shall prohibit these activities within the Environmental Compliance Approvals process and/or through Non-Agricultural Source Material Plans to ensure they do not become a significant drinking water threat:

a. Existing:

i. Application, Handling, Storage;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area A;
ii. In Intake Protection Zone One (1).

b. Future:

i. Application, Handling, Storage;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area A;
ii. In Intake Protection Zone One (1).

Monitoring Text: