Policy Text:
To ensure the existing and/or future handling and storage of an organic solvent does not become or ceases to be a significant drinking water threat where this activity is or would be a significant threat, this activity shall be designated for the purpose of Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, 2006 and a Risk Management Plan shall be required in the following areas and for the following activities:
a. Existing:
i. Handling and Storage;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area A, above grade;
ii. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10), above and below grade.
b. Future:
i. Handling and Storage;
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10), above grade.
The Risk Management Plan shall include, as a minimum, measures to reduce the likelihood of spills and leaks and contain and respond to spills.