Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure the following activities never become significant drinking water threats, where these activities would be significant drinking water threats, the Townships and the County of Dufferin will include policies in their municipal planning documents including a specific definition applicable to all zones in each Township Zoning By-law that would require any new development or storage facility to be designed and maintained using current best management practices:

The handling and storage of commercial fertilizer
The handling and storage of pesticide
The handling and storage of fuel

Monitoring Text:

DC-AEG-CW-1.5: Where the Townships and the County of Dufferin are required to amend their Official Plan, Zoning By-law, and/or municipal planning documents and provide proof of compliance to the Source Protection Authority, they will do so within 30 days once the amendment(s) are in full force and effect.