Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

To address conditions resulting from past activities that are significant drinking water threats the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and the County of Haldimand:

a. Shall meet at a minimum frequency of every six months for the purpose of mutually sharing information on Condition sites; and
b. Should mutually share information related, as appropriate, to technical investigations or remediation, technical data, actions taken by Ministry of Environment or by the County of Haldimand, inspections, other relevant information; and
c. Should develop an Information-Sharing Process document including requirements, if any, for meeting agendas, participants, the nature and format for the types of information to be mutually shared, and the Information-Sharing Process document should be developed within six months from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.

Monitoring Text: