Policy Text:
The Municipality of Central Elgin SHALL, in cooperation with the Kettle Creek
Conservation Authority, continue and enhance their established outreach and
education programs and promote best management practices in the Wellhead
Protection Areas (WHPAs) where there are or would be significant drinking
water threats to include messaging consistent with source water protection,
specifically for the following activities:
i. Waste Disposal Site Landfilling (Municipal Waste);
ii. Waste Disposal Site Landfilling (Solid Non Hazardous Industrial or
iii. Waste Disposal Site- Liquid Waste Injection into a well;
iv. The handling and storage of pesticides;
v. The application of pesticides to land;
vi. The handling and storage of fuel;
vii. The handling and storage of commercial fertilizer;
viii. The handling and storage of Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL’s);
ix. The application of agriculture source material;
x. The storage of agriculture source material;
xi. The application of non-agriculture source material; and
xii. The handling and storage of non-agriculture source material.