Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure that any Consumptive Water Taking ceases to be or never becomes a significant drinking water threat where this activity is or would be a significant drinking water threat the Township of Centre Wellington shall evaluate opportunities to optimize its water systems based on the source protection water quantity technical work, and where appropriate develop, maintain, and enhance water supply system optimization programs. The design and implementation of these programs shall consider, where appropriate, the recommendations from the Centre Wellington Tier 3 Study, the Centre Wellington Water Supply Master Plan, future municipal exploratory drilling programs, Class Environmental Assessments for municipal wells, municipal wellfield capacity studies and / or other studies required through the Centre Wellington PTTW / Drinking Water Works Permit.

Optimization strategies at Existing municipal well locations to be considered include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. optimizing existing capacity to realize existing permitted capacity;
b. exploring the potential for expanding the existing capacity beyond the current permitted capacity; and/ or
c. balancing the municipal pumping to optimize/maximize municipal water taking.

Monitoring Text:

WC-CW-1.9: The Municipality and/or County shall provide a report to the Source Protection Authority, by February 1st of each year, summarizing the actions taken to implement the Source Protection Plan policies, where specifically required by the policies.

Where the Municipality and/or County is required to implement education and outreach programs as the primary means of managing the risk associated with significant drinking water threats, the report must indicate, at minimum additional details on how the significant drinking water threat was managed and/or ceased to be significant.