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Grand River
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MECP – Permit to Take Water Inspections
Have Regard to
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
The ministry’s current program delivery model for proactive compliance inspection program is based on risk analysis. During Year-Start Planning (February-March of each year), inspection priorities are set for each program area by Divisional Program Leads. The Ministry uses a risk based approach to setting each program’s priorities for inspection. Program diagnostics and analyses are conducted as part of the yearly compliance planning process and help inform inspection priorities in the upcoming year. This information along with program specific risk factors is used to identify compliance priorities for each program area. Source protection vulnerability is generally considered as one of the risk factors during risk analysis. District/Area offices use the Integrated Plan direction in conjunction with their own local knowledge and consideration of available resources to select the number and locations of facilities/sites for inspections. Source protection water quantity vulnerable area data is available within the Drinking Water and Environmental Compliance Division of the ministry. Sites with active water taking permits located within water quantity vulnerable areas will be identified and compliance inspections will be planned based on risk analysis during Year-Start Planning process for this Fiscal Year.
Policy Text:
To ensure that any consumptive water taking ceases to be or never becomes a significant drinking water threat where this activity is or would be a significant drinking water threat as prescribed by the Clean Water Act, 2006, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and / or the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, should ensure source protection is included as a risk factor of sites with Permits to Take Water (PTTW) and / or Aggregate Resources Act, 1990 Licenses in WHPA-Q Areas in the ministry local office riskbased inspection planning process and compliance response planning.
Monitoring Text:
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