Policy Text:
1) To address the handling and storage of road salt (existing and future) and storage of snow (existing and future) the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge shall prepare a Salt Management Plan that takes into account the sensitivity of the Rosslyn Village WHPA-A within one year of the Source Protection Plan taking effect. Specific actions that should be included in the plan to address the risk of road salt effects on source water include:
a) Locating salt and snow storage areas outside of the WHPA-A
b) Minimizing application of road salt within WHPA-A
2) The Thunder Bay District Health Unit shall ensure that on-site sewage maintenance inspections are conducted on all existing and future septic systems within WHPA-A, under the authority of the Building Code. This process will begin within 5 years of the approval of the Assessment Report for the Lakehead Source Protection Area (June 21, 2011).
3) Copies of any Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications in WHPA-A shall also be provided by the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge to the Lakehead Source Protection Authority once they have been received for review and comment and shall provide copies of these amendments once they have been adopted. This procedure must be established within one (1) year of the Source Protection Plan taking effect.