Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

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Threat Type



Policy Text:

The following land uses are prohibited in WHPA-A:

1) Land uses which normally require waste disposal sites approval including:

* Application of hauled sewage to land;
* Mine tailings stored in a pit or in impoundment structures where the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) notice requires a person to report;
* Landfarming of petroleum refining waste (more than ten hectares);
* Landfilling of hazardous waste (less than one hectare);
* Landfilling of municipal waste (less than one hectare);
* Land disposal of commercial or industrial waste (less than one hectare);
* Land disposal of liquid industrial waste
* Storage of PCBs; and
* A waste disposal site that is not approved to accept hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste but accepts small volumes that are exempt from Ontario Regulation 347.

2) Sewage treatment facilities, not including septic systems under 10,000 litres per day.

3) Non-residential uses where organic solvents occur including, but not limited to, dry cleaning operations, vehicle service centres, paint and hardware stores, retail or wholesale pharmaceutical storage and distribution centres.

4) Uses where fuel is stored including but not limited to, non-residential fuel storage, retail fuel outlets, uses where backup generators are required (with the exception of the backup generator at the Rosslyn Village Water Treatment Plant), industrial operations and any other uses involving the bulk handling and storage of fuel.

5) Uses which include the storage of DNAPLs except for incidental volumes for personal domestic use.

6) Future Agricultural uses.

7) The Official Plan and Zoning By-law shall be brought into conformity with provisions 1 to 6 in accordance with Section 26 of the Planning Act.

Monitoring Text:


In relation to policy RV.1.CW-PA, the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge shall provide an Annual Report to the Lakehead Source Protection Authority by February 1 of each year on the steps it has taken in the previous calendar year to implement the policies that are set out in the Source Protection Plan and apply to its decisions under the Planning Act and the Condominium Act. The Source Protection Authority, in conjunction with the Municipality, shall evaluate the effectiveness of the significant threat policies in the Source Protection Plan that affect Planning Act and Condominium Act decisions.