Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

A future stormwater management facility that would be a significant drinking water threat as described in Appendix B is permitted in the:

Intake Protection Zone with a vulnerability score of 8, 8.1 or 9
Wellhead Protection Area A; (under the exemption described in policy SEW-9-LB-PI/PA-MC)
Wellhead Protection Area B; with a vulnerability score of 10

The MOE shall ensure that the Prescribed Instrument (Environmental Compliance Approval required under the Ontario Water Resources Act) that governs a stormwater management facility permitted to be established in these areas includes appropriate terms and conditions to manage the threat so that it does not become significant. Where the Director considers it appropriate, terms and conditions will include a requirement that a new stormwater management facility be built to Enhanced Level Protection Standards as described in the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual, MOE 2003

Monitoring Text:

MON-7-LB Annual Report from the MOE — Legally Binding Policies
By February 1 of each year, the MOE shall provide the Source Protection Authority with a summary of implementation activities for the previous calendar year related to significant/moderate/low threat policies where the MOE is the implementer.