Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

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Threat Type



Policy Text:

All land uses identified within the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-Laws are designated for the purpose of Section 59 of the Clean Water Act if they are located within -Intake Protection Zones with a vulnerability score of 10; or -Wellhead Protection Areas with a vulnerability score of 10.

Within these designated land use categories and areas, a notice from the Risk Management Official in accordance with Section 59(2) of the Clean Water Act shall be required prior to approval of any Planning Act application (as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 287/07 section 62) or Building Permit application.

Despite the above policy, a site specific proposed land use that is the subject of an application for an approval under the Planning Act or for a permit under the Building Code Act, is not designated for the purposes of Section 59 if the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the planning authority or the building official that a significant drinking water threat activity designated for the purposes of Section 57 or 58 of the Clean Water Act will not be engaged in.

Monitoring Text:
