Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources is strongly encouraged to consider the proximity to and potential impact on drinking water sources during their review of applications for future aquaculture facilities subject to approvals under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and the aquaculture regulations. This policy applies where the use of land or water for aquaculture is a moderate threat to drinking water (an Intake Protection Zone with a vulnerability score of 9 or 10). When approving a location for a new facility, preference should be given to locations outside of these zones. Action to implement this policy should be initiated within one year from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.

Monitoring Text:

MON-9-NLB Use of Land or Water for Aquaculture — Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act Approvals
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources is requested to notify the Source Protection Authority on an ongoing basis of any applications received and the decisions rendered related to the future use of land or water for aquaculture where it would be a moderate drinking water threat as described in Appendix B. This can be accomplished by adding the Source Protection Authority to the distribution list of future notices or approvals issued regarding proposals that are located in Intake Protection Zones with a vulnerability score of 9 or 10.