Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Where an existing waste disposal site is a significant drinking water threat as described in Appendix B, the MOE shall ensure that the Prescribed Instrument that governs the site (Certificate of Approval or Environmental Compliance Approval required under the Environmental Protection Act or the Ontario Water Resources Act) includes appropriate terms and conditions to manage the threat so that it ceases to be significant. Where the Director considers it appropriate, terms and conditions will include modern design, operational, monitoring and reporting requirements as well as requirements for eventual closure and abandonment. The MOE shall review, and if necessary amend, the Prescribed Instrument within three years from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.

Monitoring Text:

MON-7-LB Annual Report from the MOE — Legally Binding Policies
By February 1 of each year, the MOE shall provide the Source Protection Authority with a summary of implementation activities for the previous calendar year related to significant/moderate/low threat policies where the MOE is the implementer.