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Policy Id:
Mississippi Valley, Rideau Valley
Implementing Body
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Threat Type
MECP – Pesticides
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
Pesticide Permits are issued on a seasonal basis and expire at the end of each season. All pesticide permit applications undergo a detailed site and pesticide specific evaluation by the ministry's Regional Pesticides Specialist. Conditions are placed on all issued pesticide permits, as required to mitigate potential risks. Ontario has a strong and robust legislative and regulatory framework for the sale, use, storage and disposal of pesticides. In addition, pesticides undergo a detailed scientific evaluation prior to being registered for use in Canada. Pesticides must be used in accordance with the product label and all applicable legislative requirements. Summary of actions taken is not applicable as no Prescribed Instruments were issued in this SPR.
MECP – Pesticides
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
Pesticide Permits are issued on a seasonal basis and expire at the end of each season. All pesticide permit applications undergo a detailed site and pesticide specific evaluation by the ministry's Regional Pesticides Specialist. Conditions are placed on all issued pesticide permits, as required to mitigate potential risks. Ontario has a strong and robust legislative and regulatory framework for the sale, use, storage and disposal of pesticides. In addition, pesticides undergo a detailed scientific evaluation prior to being registered for use in Canada. Pesticides must be used in accordance with the product label and all applicable legislative requirements. Summary of actions taken is not applicable as no Prescribed Instruments were issued in this SPR.
Policy Text:
Where the application of pesticide (existing and/or future) is or would be a significant drinking water threat as described in Appendix B, the MOE shall ensure that the Prescribed Instrument that governs the activity (approvals issued under the Pesticides Act) includes appropriate terms and conditions so that:
a) The application of pesticide (existing) ceases to be a significant drinking water threat; or
b) The application of pesticide (future) never becomes a significant drinking water threat.
The MOE shall comply with part (a) of this policy within three years from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect.
Monitoring Text:
MON-7-LB Annual Report from the MOE — Legally Binding Policies
By February 1 of each year, the MOE shall provide the Source Protection Authority with a summary of implementation activities for the previous calendar year related to significant/moderate/low threat policies where the MOE is the implementer.
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