Policy Text:
Within one year of the Source Protection Plan taking effect, the municipality shall initiate an education and outreach program targeted at residents and businesses located in the Wellhead Protection Areas with a vulnerability score of 10 and the Intake Protection Zones with a vulnerability score of 8 or higher. Source Protection Authorities will help develop materials that will raise awareness about these vulnerable areas and foster good stewardship practices within them. Municipalities will then use any means that effectively disseminates this information to residents and businesses in these areas such as a mail-out, participation in community events and partnering with other agencies to make use of existing programs. Once established, this education program shall be ongoing with materials being disseminated periodically as deemed appropriate by the municipality. The program may address any water quality or quantity topic but must include promotion of the following:
Awareness of the vulnerable areas (will be marked by road and waterway signs)
Best management practices for waste that is regulated by the MOE through means other than Prescribed Instruments
Proper septic system care and maintenance
Awareness of the Mandatory On-Site Sewage System Maintenance Inspection Program
Best management practices for storing and applying nutrients and for outdoor livestock areas
Risk management measures for fuel storage
Awareness of Ontario's Cosmetic Pesticide Ban and best management practices where pesticides are used under an exemption from the ban
The importance of complying with all aspects of the Pesticide training/certification and Integrated Pest Management Programs
Participation in the Environmental Farm Plan Program
Awareness of DNAPL and organic solvent substances and the products that may contain them, alternative products that do not pose a threat to drinking water and proper disposal of unwanted products
""Smart salt practices ; for the use of road salt
The importance of addressing existing transport pathways such as abandoned wells and ensuring new projects, such as geothermal installations, do not create new transport pathways
Existing funding programs available to help property owners and businesses implement best management practices and Source Protection Plan policy requirements