Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

For all future and existing septic systems that could be significant threats and that are subject to the requirements of the Ontario Building Code, a mandatory maintenance inspection program shall be implemented by the principal authority as defined by the Ontario Building Code.

This policy shall apply to the following vulnerable areas:

Issue Contributing Area

WHPA-A, and B;

WHPA-A, and B1

Monitoring Text:

M11-CAS: By February 1st of each year, the principal authority defined by the Ontario Building Code shall prepare a progress report for the SP Authority to, at minimum, confirm that the program is being implemented and report the number of any outstanding orders. The report may also include the numbers of inspections completed, failed systems identified, and new systems constructed either as a result of new construction or replaced as a result of a failed septic system in the subject areas.