Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Where the threat from the following activities could be significant in the areas delineated as the Callander Issue Contributing Area, an education and outreach program shall be implemented to address:

The application of agricultural source material
The storage of agricultural source material
The application of non-agricultural source material
The handling and storage of non-agricultural source material
The application of commercial fertilizer
The handling and storage of commercial fertilizer
The use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land, an outdoor confinement area or farm-animal yard. O. Reg. 385/08, s. 3.
The establishment, operation or maintenance of a system that collects, stores, transmits, treats or disposes of sewage.

The Municipalities shall plan and deliver an education and outreach program designed to result in persons engaged in the above activities and other residents and/or property owners taking the necessary actions to prevent and reduce phosphorus contributions to waterways in the following ways:
1. Identifying sources of phosphorus on the property;
2. Engaging in best management practices for reducing the erosion of stream banks, which should include consideration of vegetated buffers or naturalized shoreline areas which may be implemented independent of local Site Plan Control by-laws;
3. Engaging in best management practices for sediment removal, removal of soil-bound nutrients and soluble nutrients from overland and shallow subsurface flow;
4. Engaging in best management practices for the application of agricultural source material, commercial fertilizer, and non-agricultural source material;
5. Engaging in best management practices for management or handling of agricultural source material generated by grazing, pasturing, maintaining in yards or confining farm animals;
6. Engaging in best management practices for the storage of agricultural and non-agricultural source material and commercial fertilizer;
7. Establishing a vegetated buffer strip on the property; and
8. Fostering the improvement of aquatic habitats.

The education and outreach program should be delivered consistently throughout the five municipalities within the Issue Contributing Area within two years of the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect and shall be updated as necessary and made available on an ongoing basis.
The education and outreach program shall identify the desired actions and/or behaviours, as well as the goals, timeline, deliverables, and desired outcomes of the program; and include a process for measuring the outcomes. The program plan shall identify the benefits of engaging in the desired behaviors, as well as the barriers, and incorporate a variety of strategies and tools to overcome the barriers. The program shall take into consideration the principles of social marketing as a strategy for fostering the desired behaviours and actions. In the Townships of Ballantyne, Bolter and Wilkes (which lack municipal organization), the Conservation Authority shall collaborate with ICA municipalities to implement this policy. Additionally the policy may be more broadly released to a whole Municipality or any part of the Source Protection Area, at the discretion of a municipal council.

Monitoring Text:

M04-EO: By February 1st of the year after the Municipalities are required to begin delivering an education and outreach program in accordance with ICA1 and each year thereafter, the Municipalities shall provide a report to the Source Protection Authority indicating actions taken to implement the policy. The report shall address the goal(s) of the education program, the strategies used to achieve the goal(s), timeline, deliverables, outcome and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program. The report shall also highlight any known changes in behaviours as a result of the education program that have contributed to the protection of the drinking water source. The education program and annual reporting shall continue until monitoring and research, in accordance with ICA3 and ICA4, indicate that no further improvement to water quality is likely to be achieved by additional adoption of best management practices within the ICA.