Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The following existing and future agricultural activities in IPZs and WHPAs (other than WHPA A) where they could be significant drinking water threats require a risk management plan and are therefore designated for the purposes of Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, 2006:

The application of agricultural source material (ASM);
The handling and storage of agricultural source material;
The application of non agricultural source material (NASM) (including treated septage);
The handling and storage of non agricultural source material (including treated septage);
The application of commercial fertilizer to land;
The storage of commercial fertilizer;
The application of pesticides to land;
The handling and storage of pesticides;
The use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land, an outdoor confinement area or a farm-animal yard.

The risk management official must establish a risk management plan for agricultural operations in the applicable areas. The risk management plan shall include, as a minimum:

1) Existing risk management measures that may already be in place. Such measures include an environmental farm plan, nutrient management plan, strategy, or other existing risk reduction measures in place to manage the activity;
2) Consideration of existing Nutrient Management Act, 2002 standards and recognized environmental agricultural practices;
3) The risk management measures most suitable to reduce the risk posed by the activity;
4) The timing of plan implementation;
5) Consideration of environmental features and the location of the following:

Vulnerable areas,
Surface and subsurface drains including tile drainage and catch basins,
Water wells (both used and unused),
Livestock confinement areas,
Storage (permanent and temporary) for both agricultural and non agricultural source material,
Maintenance facilities including pesticide, fertilizer, chemical and fuel storages,
Areas for the application of pesticides, commercial fertilizers, agricultural source material and non agricultural source material;

6) Setbacks from surface water for application of ASM within IPZs and WHPA E. These setbacks are to be established in reference to requirements of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, Best Management Practices and site conditions (e.g. land slope, soil permeability and crop type, application method and vegetated buffers);
7) Protocols and emergency response plans to be followed in the event of a spill of fuel, ASM, NASM, chemicals or pesticides, and any other measures necessary to reduce the risk of a release to the environment;
8) Monitoring and reporting requirements;
9) A procedure to address any change of activities or operations on the property that would warrant an update or change in the risk management plan;
10) An appropriate inspection cycle to monitor compliance with and effectiveness of the risk management plan; and
11) A provision in reference to Section 60 of Ontario Regulation 287/07 indicating that the risk management plan may not be transferred to another person without the written consent of the risk management official.

Implementer: Risk Management Official - Municipality

Applicable Areas: This policy applies to the following areas:

a) Application of ASM, Storage of ASM, Application of NASM, Handling and Storage of NASM, livestock grazing, pasturing, outdoor confinement:
WHPA B, E and IPZ 1 and 2 (vulnerability score of 8 or greater) - Deloro (WHPA B), Madoc (WHPA B and E), Peats Point (WHPA B and E), Point Anne (WHPA B and IPZ 1 and 2), Tweed (WHPA B), Picton (IPZ 1 and 2), Ameliasburgh (IPZ 1 and 2), Belleville (IPZ 1 and 2), Deseronto (IPZ 1 and 2), Napanee (IPZ 1 and 2) and Bayside (IPZ 1) and
c) issues contributing area - Madoc

b) Application of Pesticide to Land:
WHPA B, E and IPZ 1 and 2 (vulnerability score of 8.1 or greater) - Deloro (WHPA B), Madoc (WHPA B and E), Peats Point (WHPA B and E), Point Anne (WHPA B and IPZ 1), Tweed (WHPA B), Picton (IPZ 1 and 2), Ameliasburgh (IPZ 1), Belleville (IPZ 1 and 2), Deseronto (IPZ 1 and 2) and Napanee (IPZ 1 and 2).
c) Handling and Storage of Pesticide:
WHPA B and IPZ 1 and 2 (vulnerability score of 9 or greater) -
Deloro (WHPA B), Madoc (WHPA B), Peats Point (WHPA B), Point Anne (WHPA B and IPZ 1), Tweed (WHPA B), Picton (IPZ 1 and 2), Ameliasburgh (IPZ 1), Belleville (IPZ 1), Deseronto (IPZ 1) and Napanee (IPZ 1).

d) Application of Commercial Fertilizer to Land:
WHPA B and IPZ 1 and 2 (vulnerability score of 9 or greater) -
Deloro (WHPA B), Madoc (WHPA B), Peats Point (WHPA B), Point Anne (WHPA B and IPZ 1), Tweed (WHPA B), Picton (IPZ 1 and 2), Ameliasburgh (IPZ 1), Belleville (IPZ 1), Deseronto (IPZ 1) and Napanee (IPZ 1).

e) Handling and Storage of Commercial Fertilizer:
WHPA B and IPZ 1 (vulnerability score of 10) -
Deloro (WHPA B), Madoc (WHPA B), Peats Point (WHPA B), Point Anne (WHPA B and IPZ 1), Tweed (WHPA B), Picton (IPZ 1) and Ameliasburgh (IPZ 1).

Tools: Risk Management Plan pursuant to Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, 2006.

Legal Effect: Must Conform (See Appendix C, List H)

Effective Date: When the Plan takes effect for future activities and within three years for existing activities.

Monitoring Policy (See Appendix C, List F):

The risk management official shall submit a report by February 1st of each year to the Quinte Source Protection Authority summarizing the mandatory requirements for the previous calendar year, as specified in Section 65 of Ontario Regulation 287/07 under the Clean Water Act, 2006.

Monitoring Text:

The risk management official shall submit a report by February 1st of each year to the Quinte Source Protection Authority summarizing the mandatory requirements for the previous calendar year, as specified in Section 65 of Ontario Regulation 287/07 under the Clean Water Act, 2006.