Policy Text:
The municipality shall prohibit future waste disposal sites or the expansion of an existing waste disposal site where the following types of waste disposal sites would be significant drinking water threats:
Application of untreated septage to land;
Storage, treatment, and discharge of tailings from mines;
Land farming of petroleum refining waste;
Land filling of hazardous waste;
Land filling of municipal waste;
Land filling of solid, non-hazardous industrial or commercial waste;
Liquid industrial waste injection into a well;
PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyl) waste storage;
Storage of hazardous waste at disposal sites; and
Storage of certain hazardous wastes.
Implementer: Municipality (Land Use Planning)
Applicable Areas: This policy applies to the following areas:
a) WHPA A, B and C (vulnerability score of 8 or greater) - Madoc, Tweed, Deloro, Peats Point and Point Anne.
b) IPZ 1 and 2 (vulnerability score of 9 or greater) - Belleville, Picton, Ameliasburgh, Point Anne, Deseronto and Napanee.
Tools: Land Use Planning pursuant to Section 39(1)(a) of the Clean Water Act, 2006 and the Planning Act.
Legal Effect: Must Conform (See Appendix C, List A)
Effective Date: The policy will be implemented when the Plan takes effect. Official Plans must be updated no later than the date of their next five year review required under Section 26 of the Planning Act and zoning by-laws must be updated within three years of the Official Plan amendments to bring them into conformity with the Official Plan.
Monitoring Policy (See Appendix C, List F):
The Municipality shall submit to the Quinte Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year a summary of how this policy was implemented during the previous calendar year.