Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

In areas where existing private onsite sewage systems are identified as significant drinking water threats, the municipality is required by the Ontario Building Code to implement a mandatory inspection program. The municipality shall:
1) Follow the ‘On-Site Sewage Maintenance Inspection’ document dated March, 2011 as amended from time to time, developed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to ensure a consistent approach to inspecting onsite systems across the province; and
2) Prioritize the inspections based on location, age of septic systems and other factors which would result in identifying systems that may need to be improved.

Implementer: Municipality

Applicable Areas: This policy applies to the following areas:
a) WHPA A and B (vulnerability score of 10) – Deloro, Madoc, Peats Point, Point Anne and Tweed;
b) IPZ 1 (vulnerability score of 10) – Picton, Point Anne and Ameliasburgh; and
c) Issues Contributing Area – Madoc.

Tools: Specify Action pursuant to Section 26(1)(iv) of Ontario Regulation 287/07. Legal Effect: Must Conform (See Appendix C, List E)

Effective Date: When the Plan takes effect and in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. Note: The Ontario Building Code allows municipalities to start
inspections upon approval of an Assessment Report. Each septic system in these zones must be inspected every five years.

Monitoring Policy (See Appendix C, List F): The municipality shall prepare a report for the previous calendar year to the Quinte Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year summarizing:
a) The number of inspections conducted;
b) The number and location of septic systems identified as noncompliant using the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing On-Site Sewage Management Inspection protocol; and
c) A description of any identified deficiencies in the private sewage systems, and the compliance and enforcement action taken to achieve compliance.

Monitoring Text:

The municipality shall prepare a report for the previous calendar year to the Quinte Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year summarizing:
a) The number of inspections conducted;
b) The number and location of septic systems identified as noncompliant using the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing On-Site Sewage Management Inspection protocol; and
c) A description of any identified deficiencies in the private sewage systems, and the compliance and enforcement action taken to achieve compliance.